Nuts and Bolts

Attendance and Grading

Attendance Policy? 

This is YOUR course. Show up and do good things. I hope that you have an attendance policy for yourself because I am not making one for you. Showing up may mean participating in scheduled class activities, it may mean doing some things online, it may mean attending campus events and it might mean doing other things that are meaningful to you. I will only ask you to tell me about what you have done, and to periodically assess your own level of participation and attendance to the opportunities that this course offers you. 


You will be assessing and evaluating your own performance in this class and will fill out some self-assessment forms which you will find on canvas (these will be private between you and me only). I will give you feedback, and we will determine your final grade together. Take a look at the assignment database. These are designed to be helpful to you. If you don’t think so, convince me and do something else. You can create your own assignments.    

Specifically, you will be assessing: 

Your digital presence – including your website construction and engaging with others in the class via comments on posts, your twitter presence and interactions, your linked-in engagement, and anything else that you would like to develop as part of your personal learning network.

Your completion of assignments  – (check the database regularly and complete 1-2 assignments every week or so depending on how much work each takes. Don’t procrastinate and try to do all of them in the last 2 weeks. Learning to PLAN is a great life skill!  You will complete 3 self-assessments this semester. 

Basic Needs Statement

Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this may affect their performance in the course is urged to contact the Dean of Students (, Gail Zimmerman, for support. Furthermore, please notify me if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable me to provide any resources or information that I might have. Note also that there is a space on campus called the Hungry Owl which provides food to students in need. It is located behind Randall Hall, but there are satellite locations including the 3rd floor of the Science Center and in the Library. Check the Hungry Owl facebook page for recent information. 

Official KSC Policy and Commitment to Privacy Protection

In this course we will be using various interactive web tools which have been selected to continue teaching and learning outside the physical classroom. These tools push us towards a better understanding and a better utilization of the changing landscape of online media. Assignments published on the web, unlike traditional “paper” assignments, can be shared, distributed, and critiqued by a global audience. Protecting individual privacy, as a matter of policy and practice, is of utmost concern to Keene State College. Therefore, information such as grades, the professor’s formal analysis of student assignments, or other information that should remain private will never be communicated through public channels on the web.

You should be aware that most applications used by Keene State provide a variety of options for maintaining and controlling access to your work. You are responsible for understanding the various privacy options the technology allows, and choosing options appropriate to your needs. You may also wish to license your material in ways that make it more easily shared and ensures that course-related assignments are not only credited appropriately, but that you determine the rights associated with your intellectual property (for more information about licensing your content please visit  (we will talk about this in class). 

If you are particularly concerned about your privacy, contact me in person or at to talk about your options.

Professor Info and Office Hours

Instructor:   Dr. Karen Cangialosi


twitter:  @karencang

Office phone: 603-358-2578 (not the best way to reach me)

Office:  Office hours are Tues Thurs 2:00pm-3:00pm on zoom, or by appointment. I am available electronically almost 24/7. Just ping me with a canvas message, email or, on twitter for fastest response.  On twitter (just write @karencang then your message), or we can arrange a zoom video conference nearly anytime you want. Just let me know.

Textbook:  what? no textbook? Nope, it’s all online. 0$